The average house price on BLADON WALK is £269,769
The most expensive house in the street is 6 BLADON WALK with an estimated value of £296,137
The cheapest house in the street is 8 BLADON WALK with an estimated value of £186,355
The house which was most recently sold was 10 BLADON WALK, this sold on 14 Jan 2020 for £220,000
The postcode for BLADON WALK is CV31 1QZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 BLADON WALK Terraced , 103 m2 £293,380 £224,000 9 Feb 2017
5 BLADON WALK Terraced , 92 m2 £286,669 £50,500 23 Jun 1995
6 BLADON WALK Terraced £296,137 £52,000 10 Jul 1995
8 BLADON WALK Terraced , 96 m2 £186,355 £50,000 18 Aug 2000
9 BLADON WALK Terraced , 94 m2 £285,750 £225,000 3 Nov 2017
10 BLADON WALK Terraced , 92 m2 £270,323 £220,000 14 Jan 2020